Tuesday, November 3, 2009

‘Me Too!’


Do yourself a favor. 

If you ever get the inclination to write, be it a blog, an article, an essay, whatever is straining for expression within you…

Don’t Google the topic or thoughts you are writing about until you’ve written them, committed yourself to them, and hopefully, put the words irretrievably ‘out there’.  It can be extremely disheartening to sit down to articulate any flicker of thought or emotion, only to find that there are dozens or hundreds of blog entries on the Internet having already expressed what just wrote.  Your efforts, you feel, are wasted; instead, it seems like you might as well just toss off a quick ‘me too!’, or if applicable, clicking the ‘Like’ button.

Why bother at all?

Simple, really.  Every person has a slightly (or not so slightly!) different perspective on life.  Our own histories and life experiences provide us with a perceptions that other people may never have experienced, or a common bond with another living breathing human being suffocating in a sense of societal isolation.

Our words hold the potential to ease another person’s loneliness, to offer a sense of community, to inspire, to touch, to comfort, to humor.  Even merely writing words that have already been expressed hundreds of times lends validity to the universal truths of the human condition. 

The more that we see that others feel the same as we do, the more we realize that we aren’t crazy after all.

Most of all, though, write like somebody cares about what you have to say, however trivial or insignificant you imagine it to be.  It may just be your particular style and voice that makes all the difference in the world to someone.

So, write your heart, cast it into the sea, and it will find its way to where it’s meant to be.

We do not write because we want to; we write because we have to. ~ Somerset Maugham

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