Tuesday, March 16, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog

rusty_typewriter I recently learned about Blogger’s new Template Designer feature.  Suddenly, a whole wealth of design possibilities became available to me, and my first reaction was “Wow!”  My second reaction, however, was an incredible wave of guilt and shame as I realized just how long it has been since my last post. 

What is the point of getting excited over design potential if I don’t add content from time to time?

Other friends have continued to be faithful at the whole blogging experience:


But, as for me?  Well, I don’t really have an acceptable answer to that, and it’s making me think long and hard about whether I should attempt to fire up the old initiative, or whether I should just cut my losses and admit defeat in this area.

I enjoyed writing while I was doing it regularly.

I also have a hard time sustaining momentum after a while.

If I were to stick around for a little while longer, I think that I’ll need to refine the purpose and intent of this blog to better clarify what I mean by “Better Than the First Half”, and to write posts focusing on whatever that is.

Thoughts, anyone?
