Monday, October 19, 2009

No Pressure or Anything…

I signed into my Facebook account this morning, only to discover that my loving wife had posted a link to this blog – a blog currently conspicuously devoid of any content!

So, to anyone who may have followed her link… uh, hello.

*moment of awkward silence here* 

I have had a bad habit throughout my life of starting projects with the grandest of intentions, only to be derailed time and again by the passage of time.  I’ve previously tried to set deadlines for myself to post at least so many times a week, in an effort to keep myself on track, but I can identify with Douglas Adams’ statement:

“I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.”

Until recently, deadlines and I had only a minimal acquaintance, nodding politely at each other as we passed like two ships in the night.  Returning to school, however, has given me the incentive to reinvent myself to a degree (disregard the pun), discarding old ineffective patterns and adopting new strategies.  Rather than writing papers at the 11th hour in a surge of adrenaline, I discovered a sense of peace and satisfaction at having completed them well ahead of time.

At 40, this was a mostly foreign concept to me.  Whoever said that the proverbial dog cannot be taught new tricks was either lying, or better yet, referring specifically to dogs as opposed to humans.  Whatever the case, I’ve managed to learn a few tricks over the past year.  The question remains, though, if I can apply this newfound self-discipline to writing a blog.

Even if nobody else cares, I do… and so does, apparently, my loving wife.  I love you, Shelly!

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